How our homes are likely to change post-iso

Melton Latest News 7th July, 2020 No Comments

‘How our homes are likely to change post-iso

Our lives have changed drastically in the wake of COVID-19, and the things we want from our homes have changed too.

Not many of us were used to living in our homes 24-7 before coronavirus hit, and so the things we wanted from them were vastly different from what they might be now.

While tiny homes and open floor plans once drew mass appeal, many of us are now seeing the attraction of having a home that offers a bit more space and privacy, or a quiet place to enjoy the outdoors.

So what home features will people be on the lookout for post-COVID-19?


Home office space

A lot of people have had to quickly adapt to working from home, which has led to some less than ideal home office setups.

While working from a bed or a kitchen bench might be adequate enough for completing a one-off work assignment, it probably doesn’t cut it for an entire 9-5 working day.

With some people continuing to work from home in a post-coronavirus world, there’s going to be a lot more buyers looking for a dedicated office space in their home – somewhere that has a lot of space and natural light, and looks good in the background of a zoom call too.


An outdoor sanctuary

With nowhere to go, our homes had to meet a lot of our needs in isolation and many of us have realised the importance of having access to the outdoors.

Large blocks have always been popular, however now more than ever people appreciate having a private place they can enjoy a bit of nature and play games outside with the kids.



If the pandemic has taught us anything, it’s that you can’t always rely on things to stay the same, or for things to be at the grocery store when you need them (like toilet paper!).

Many people have already taken to stocking up on regular household items in their homes, but they are also looking at other ways to increase their self-sufficiency through doing things like growing vegetable gardens, or installing solar power or a water tank.


The latest tech

Our lives are increasingly being lived online so a quality internet connection in the home is absolutely paramount.

People are using screens around the home a lot more these days to communicate with friends and family, meaning that seeing large television screens in bedrooms, kitchens and other areas of the home is now becoming a lot more commonplace.

People also appreciate hands-free home technology such as Google home, or contactless entry, so that they can control the features in their home before they get the chance to wash their hands.’

(Professionals head office article)

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