City of Melton Waste and Recycling Update

Melton about | about our community | community | Latest News | living green | local news 18th April, 2019 No Comments

Your landfill waste bin (red bin)

Landfilling is the least preferred option for waste disposal in Australia. The City of Melton residents are still producing 26,000 tonnes of household waste each year. This equates to approximately 2,600 garbage trucks of waste annually which increases the production of Co2 and methane gas.

The City of Melton have identified that 60 per cent of our landfill waste contains recyclable materials. Your landfill waste bin should only contain household waste that cannot be recycled through yellow or green lid bins. You can use the red lid bin for: nappies, polystyrene, vacuum cleaner dust, nappies, cups, plates, pyrex, window glass, mirrors and light globes. Remember soft plastics can also be recycled at major supermarkets.

Your recycling bin (yellow bin)

The contents of your recycling bin are taken to a specialist recycler where they are sorted into material streams and made into new products. City of Melton residents recycle a whopping 12,000 tonnes of recyclables and our recycling rates are on the rise.  The following items are accepted in your household recycling bin: aluminium cans, detergent bottle, ice cream container, egg carton, cardboard box, detergent bottle, aerosol can, milk bottle and paper stack.

Your organics bin (green lid)

The contents of your green organics bin are collected and taken to Veolia where they are processed into mulch and nutrient- rich compost. This compost is then used by farmers to grow fresh produce for communities. The following items are accepted in your green bin: grass clippings, leaves, branches, small logs, weeds and garden prunings.

As of the 1st of July 2019, electronic waste (anything with a cord, battery or circuit board) will be banned from landfill. Local residents are encouraged to bring these items to the Melton Recycling Facility which will be recycled for you free of charge.

Additionally, 40% of material sent to landfill each year is organic material; most of this is regular household food waste. Simple changes in the home can make a huge difference, such as composting, owning a chicken coop or using a worm farm. To access or obtain more information on these recycling and managing waste services you can contact Melton City Council on 9747 7200. Or visit their website at:

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