Melton: A City for All People

Melton Uncategorised 25th August, 2020 No Comments

The Melton Council is committed to improving the quality of life of people with disabilities, children, young people, older people and people who live, learn, work or play in the City of Melton.

Melton: A City for all People(PDF, 2MB) is an integrated plan that combines four individual Council strategies, specifically the Disability Action Plan (recognising disability can be present at any age), the Municipal Early Years Plan (0-12 years), Youth Strategy (12-25 years), and the Ageing Well Strategy (50+ years) into one, all-encompassing document.

It’s a document for all people, within a City for all people.

Community engagement was one of the key, underpinning factors in the development of Melton: A City for all People, with Council using feedback gathered during the creation of our community vision, Melton City 2036: The City We Imagine and our Council and Wellbeing Plan 2017-2021, to inform this innovative strategy. Consultation was further supplemented by engagement with staff, various advisory committees including the Early Years Partnership Committee, Youth Advisory Committee, Disability Advisory Committee, and other key partners such as the Melton Youth Advisory Network, and Service Provider Network; as well as aligning with relevant State and Federal public policies and reforms.

The vision for Melton: A City for all People is that people of all ages and abilities are able to grow and thrive within a community that’s supportive, accepting, safe and accessible. It’s a document built on the foundation of five themes:

  • Being inclusive
  • Being connected
  • Being happy and healthy
  • Being all you can be
  • Being heard

By focussing our activities on these five themes, Council will be better placed to deliver services, programs, facilities and infrastructure that are timely, cost effective and meet the needs of everyone who calls our wonderful City home.

The health and wellbeing of every member of our community is of primary importance to Melton City Council, and we as an organisation will continue to work to improve the quality of life of all residents, irrespective of which life stage they are currently experiencing.

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