Is it worthwhile adding an ensuite before selling?

Melton Latest News 18th August, 2020 No Comments

Is it worthwhile adding an ensuite before selling?


An ensuite bathroom may come as standard in today’s modern homes but believe it or not this hasn’t always been the case.

A private bathroom connected to a master bedroom wasn’t high on the priority list in homes built 30 or more years ago, so homeowners looking for that extra bit of luxury are often left with the task of having to figure out how they might be able to squeeze one in.

Adding an ensuite can be costly though, so there are some things you should consider first.

Will the ensuite fit under the existing roofline?


Depending on how you property is configured you may be able to fit an ensuite into an existing wardrobe or hallway space, or perhaps even into a small room. In some cases a large bathroom can even be split into two smaller bathrooms.

Converting an existing room into a bathroom is usually a lot cheaper than having to build an entire new extension for it.

You don’t want to overcapitalise when doing any kind of renovation to your home, so if you can add a bathroom under the existing roofline without blowing the budget then it’s probably going to be well worth it.


How many bedrooms does the property have?


The more bedrooms a property has the more bathrooms it’s going to need to service all members of the household.

In general, it’s normally expected that a home have 2 bathrooms for every 3 bedrooms. Therefore a 3 bedroom and 2 bathroom home is likely to be more appealing than a home that has 4 bedrooms but only 1 bathroom.


Do you plan on selling soon?


You need to ask yourself whether you’re adding an ensuite as a means to add value to your property, or simply because you want to be able to enjoy it yourself.

If you have plans to sell your property in the near future then the extra value it adds to the property may not be worth the cost of installing it.

Do a little bit of research for yourself to see the price difference between properties with and without ensuite bathrooms in your area.  If properties with an ensuite aren’t valued much higher than the ones without then adding one may not be worthwhile.

As with any renovations you need to assess your budget and your end goals.

Before adding an ensuite, or any other kind of new property feature, it is a good idea to have a chat with a local real estate agent to get a better understanding of what buyers in your area are looking for. This will help you make the most of any new additions you make to your home.

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