A Hospital In Melton?

Melton about | about our community | community | Latest News 10th December, 2018 No Comments


There has been a flood of support from local residents for a hospital to be built in Melton. With the growing population and new developments, it seems like it should only be a matter of time. According to the Build Melton Hospital website “Every day, 20 people move into the City of Melton – that’s 7100 new residents a year.” Making Melton’s demand for a Hospital constantly growing.


The proposed location is in Cobblebank, which is only 4km southeast of the Melton centre and close to the future Toolern train station on the Melton line.

As the project has not yet been committed to yet, it’s crucial that residents of Melton get involved and sign the petition. You can Click Here to Get Involved.

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